Wow, Austin Brew Fest was awesome. It was a bit hot, but the venue was sweet and the beers refreshing.
Named after my daughter.
I discovered a couple new breweries down there. Hops & Grain had a beer named
after my daughter...well, not really, but it was a great tasting lager. I
dig the craft beer scene in Austin.
I got a chance to jam with Mountain Standard Time as well. They sounded great and our music seemed to flow effortlessly - great musicians.
So I moved my Juniper IPA to secondary and cleaned up the carboy. I dropped more juniper in and did another dry hop addition. We will see how it comes out.
I also swung by FATE Brewing and did our tea infusion trials. We loaded up 10 samples of the finished beer and poured 5 different teas of varied amounts into the beer samples. We came up with some great combos. I think my favorite was the earl grey infusion.
Tea infusion trials.
Hope to see ya there!